Virtual or Electronic Support Tools in the Mathematics Classroom
Students with learning disabilities (LDs) often demonstrate poor numeracy skills (Shin et al., 2017), as evidenced in lacklustre performance through number sense, computation, and problem solving contexts (Hutchinson, 2016, pp. 240-244). Despite these exhibited challenges, recent research supports the use of virtual tools within an overall balanced mathematics program because of the mutability of program design, thus infusing the principles of differentiated instruction across content, process, and product interventions (Strategic Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, 2011).
Virtual tools can be understood as an exemplar of electronic support tools (Crawford, Higgins, Huscroft-D'Angelo, & Hall, 2016), in that simulations or web-based models permit permutations and commutations of representations useful for critical learning and pedagogical enrichment. One such virtual tool that is known to positively impact student achievement is Gizmos (Why Gizmos Work: Research Evidence, 2017). Gizmos are virtual, interactive, online applications that feature inquired-based learning modules or simulations, and students can use these specific digital contexts to explore mathematics curricula in and through experiments, inquiries, and/or similar other exploratory tasks (With Gizmos Kids Get it, 2017).
In the case of using Gizmos within the classroom environment, as an Ontario elementary occasional educator, I'd first consider how this particular program can support the provincial mathematics curriculum. Fortunately, the Gizmos website features a listing of the Ontario Elementary Mathematics Curriculum expectations along with particular applications that can be used to address such expectations (See Ontario Standards, 2017).
Next, I'd review relevant research to find out how studies have experimented with and implemented electronic support tools in the classroom to address the strengths and needs of students living with LDs. Based on a systemic review of the literature, Kennedy and Deshler (2010) offer three main recommendations when teaching in a tiered intervention system (See Tiered Approach, in Learning For All, 2013, p. 24).
Recommendation one: Select or design multimedia materials for use in literacy instruction that (a) logically extend existing pedagogy; and (b) explicitly help students build skills necessary for literacy-related success, including meeting individual needs, along with demands of local and state standards (Koehler & Mishra, 2005).
Recommendation two: Design or select multimedia materials that limit extraneous processing, manage essential processing, and foster active learning through micromanagement of literally every image and sound that is presented to students during multimedia instruction (DeLeeuw & Mayer, 2008; Mayer, 2009).
Recommendation three: Incorporate validated theories of learning into multimedia-based literacy instruction (Kelly et al., 1986; Kelly et al., 1990). However, (a) shape instruction to reflect the discipline- or task-specific literacy demands of the subject matter being learned, and (b) ensure multimedia instruction adheres to the instructional design principles of Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML).
Given these three recommendations (which carry the weight of credible research findings), the use of Gizmos appears supportive of the visions for technology integration into the teaching and learning processes. For example, Gizmos offers multiple channels of information to be processed concurrently in each of its applications, so there is at play simultaneity of cognition (Recommendation three) and theory validation (e.g., CTML); Gizmos offers students the opportunity to control inputs to data visualization and computation functions, thus curbing collateral processing of information and redirecting attention over to core cognitive functions essential for mathematical literacy development (Recommendation two); and, Gizmos incorporates provincial curricula, thus expanding pedagogy and the reportorial of learning for students (Recommendation one).
Third, I'd view online tutorials and/or web-based trials with the particular program. Gizmos offers some free applications for users to explore and test out before introducing to the classroom. For example, Gizmos offers an online catalogue of Grade 7 Mathematics curriculum expectations along with particular applications that would address such expectations, thereby enriching the learning experience for students. I think consulting this resource would be useful for Toby Hallman (Case Study, Special Education Part 2), given his difficulties with metacognition and computational literacy. Overall, I'd infuse this online resource strategically across the spectrum of teaching and learning, so that the mathematics block (e.g., TVDSB Mathematics TIPS Program, 2017) is set up for student success and achievement.
Whole Classroom Instruction
Working in Small Groups
Gizmos from the students' perspectives used in Self-Organized Learning Environments (SOLE's)